


我溫起鋒嚴厲批評台北地方檢察署包庇台灣民進黨當局犯罪。蔡英文當局丟國家的臉面,更丟總統府的臉面!這些人包括:蔡英文、陳菊、林全,葉俊榮、林澤謙。把蔡英文當局選下台! 違法濫權檢察署還包庇不偵辦!雖然昨天台灣政府派移民署的官員向我道歉了。司法不獨立台灣民主能走多遠?我將會去檢察署譴責檢察長邢泰釗這些包庇罪犯的檢察官!

Taiwan government tsai ing-wen issued an apology to me yesterday through immigration officials. I strongly criticized the Taipei district prosecutors office for covering up crimes committed by the DPP. Tsai ing-wen authorities have lost the face of the country, the face of the presidential palace! These include tsai ing-wen, Chen ju, Lin quan, ye junrong and Lin zeqian. Vote tsai ing-wen out of office! Crime and abuse of power of the prosecution office also cover up not to investigate! Yesterday, the Taiwan government sent an immigration official to apologize to me. How far can Taiwan democracy go without judicial independence? I will go to the prosecutor’s office to condemn the prosecutor general xing taizhao for covering up criminals!



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